
Me beach new

Hi there! Hóla! Olá!

I’m many things, but most recently I’m a full on, full scale student of my own life. I’m an entrepreneur. I have my own art business, selling my art both online and at markets. I currently live in Lincoln, Nebraska, but I want to see the world. I am an animal lover. I live with three rescued dogs and I have three horses. I’ve been a student of Natural Horsemanship for more than fifteen years. In May of 2013 I graduated with my Associate of Arts degree, which was focused on Media Communications (Graphic Design, Marketing, Journalism). Recently, through my art business, without meaning to, I stumbled back into freelance graphic design work. As a result, I was inspired to return to school in pursuit of my BFA in Graphic Design with a minor in Spanish.

I couldn’t even tell you exactly what resurrected my passion for foreign language, but as of January 2015, it became an inferno. Old dreams from high school of studying abroad, traveling the world, immersing myself in foreign cultures, it all came blazing back, more fiery than ever before!

Though the creative, artistic, folk-singer-song-writer-loving me almost doesn’t want to admit it, I absolutely love Ricky Martin and Shakira. I don’t know what it is about mainstream artists, especially in the world of pop music, that makes it seem taboo to love them if you’re an artsy, intellectual type, but this resistance is what’s really taboo. Love what you love, I say and practice now! I’ve been listening to (and translating)  their music and singing along in Spanish and Portuguese. They are gateway artists into a whole other world of song and language study for me. Also, as a student of spirituality and the Law of Attraction, I’ve been very much touched by my own resonance with the wisdom of these incredibly influential people. Love what you love, follow your bliss, and live your truth!

Freedom with poem_edited-1
This is one of my photos from Cancún and the poem I wrote to go with it. It’s very fitting as I begin planning my studying abroad adventure and also a great example of the kind of art I will be putting together to help fund my trip as well as an example of my jumping off point for the photography and poetry books I want to create from this trip. The Graphic Design knowledge I will be gaining in the summer and fall will immensely enhance my photo editing and text writing. I’m going to create such BEAUTIFUL photography and poetry!

Aside from my foray into latin music, I’ve also signed myself up for latin dance lessons!  Also something I’ve wanted to do since high school! I don’t really know why it took me 15 years to give in to being my full-whole self, but I’m diving in, making a two-feet-splash, as my Kiwi friend Simone would say (meaning jumping in, boots and all).

The dream is alive and being born: STUDYING ABROAD! Studying Spanish in Puerto Rico and Costa Rica and studying Portuguese in Brazil, here I come!

So let the craziness ensue! Let the trip planning, art creation, fundraising planning, university-going, and life-balancing begin!

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